The young artist ARBRESHA takes part at the Swiss pre-selections for the ESC 2015 in Vienna with her single "Same Stars".
TOBIAS RÖGER produced and co-wrote this song.
It was mixed by JOCHEN NAAF
<link http: de blank external-link-new-window external link in new>You can vote for ARRESHA until November the 17th!
Keeping our fingers crossed to hopefully seeing you again in Vienna!
News about Tobias Röger
TOBIAS RÖGER/JOCHEN NAAF: ARBRESHA heading to the ESC for Switzerland?
More news from Tobias Röger
New Releases
Tobias Röger
TOBIAS RÖGER has produced and co-written a few songs in the last few months. In September, FARGO's (Motor) new single "Ganz Genau Wir" was released, which TOBIAS co-wrote and produced. There were also two new releases by KAPELLE PETRA (Gute Laune Entertainment). TOBIAS also co-wrote and produced "Zwischending" and "Nicht alleine". CHRISTINA STÜRMER (Sony) released her first MTV Unplugged single "Millionen Lichter" on December 8th, on which Tobias also co-wrote.
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Kapelle Petra - "Nicht alleine"
Tobias Röger
KAPELLA PETRA (Gute Laune Entertainment) releases her new single "Nicht alleine". A song that spreads a positive mood and motivates. Co-written and produced by TOBIAS RÖGER. Feel free to listen to it!
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LOUA - "Game Over"
Tobias Röger,
Louisa Marie
Here it is, LOUA's (Seven.One Starwatch) new song "Game Over", the third single... will there be an EP soon? We are definitely looking forward to more! Co-Write by LOUISA BÜCHERLE and TOBIAS RÖGER Co-Production by TOBIAS RÖGER Here you can listen to "Game Over".
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Louas new Single is out!
Tobias Röger,
Louisa Marie
Finally, the time has come! LOUA ( starwatch) releases her second single "Kleines Desaster". Another mega song, here in the office it's already playing on continuous loop. Co-written and artist is LOUISA BÜCHELER. Co-produced and co-written by TOBIAS RÖGER. You can listen to "Kleines Desaster" here.
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