The Oja Tunes have produced 7 songs for the new Max Mutzke album (Raab Records/Warner) together with Robert Koch.
„High on your love“ is a tile of a Max Mutzke song written by them.
The Oja Tunes have produced 7 songs for the new Max Mutzke album (Raab Records/Warner) together with Robert Koch.
„High on your love“ is a tile of a Max Mutzke song written by them.
The Oja Tunes have produced 7 songs for the new Max Mutzke album (Raab Records/Warner) together with Robert Koch. „High on your love“ is a tile of a Max Mutzke song written by them.
Read moreOJA Tunes are hitting off the the new year with the production of the new Jondo album (Four Music / Columbia / Sony) – and this together with studio neighbour and work mate Olsen Involtini.
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