[Translate to English:] Nachdem Andreas im letzten Jahr den Echo für die Produktion von Udo Lindenbergs "Stark Wie Zwei" erhielt, drücken wir ihm wieder und voller Stolz die Daumen!
More news from Andreas Herbig
Andreas Herbig & Jem: RoySeven production
Andreas Herbig
Andreas Herbig and Jem produced the album of Irish band ROY 7 for Roadrunner at Boogiepark Studios/Hamburg.
Read more08/26/2010
Jem: Martin & James production
Andreas Herbig,
Jem finished the album production of Scotish duo Martin & James for Universal. The first single is coming out soon. The single "All Over The News" has been produced in co-work with Andreas Herbig..
Read more04/28/2010
Andreas Herbig and JEM receive ECHO AWARD!
Andreas Herbig,
Andreas Herbig and JEM receive ECHO AWARD! Echo for most successful production in 2009 goes to the production team of Ich & Ich for the album Gute Reise.
Read more02/26/2010
Andreas Herbig and JEM nominated for the ECHO AWARD!
Andreas Herbig,
"Gute Reise" from Ich & Ich was the most successful album in 2009 -they are nominated for the Echo. Its the second nomination for Andreas in this year and its also the first one for Jem. YEAH!
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